
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Utah Family Portrait Photographer – Spring time portraits


When the flowers are finally blooming and the grass and trees are finally green, pictures seem to come alive!  Then add an adorable young family and it’s complete!  Enjoy this darling family…


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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Utah Event Photographer – Jordan School District Awards Banquet

I recently had the opportunity to photograph the Jordan School
District Awards Banquet held at the Little America Hotel in
Salt Lake City.  Bruce Lindsay of KSL presented the awards. 
I was so touched by the amazing stories of dedication and hard
work from each of the award recipients. 
Such a wonderful evening.  Here are a few of the highlights:
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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Utah Family Portrait Photographer – Salt Lake City Spring Park Sessions

What’s more fun than taking the family to the park for
a photo shoot?  It’s perfect for smaller kids who
don’t like to sit still…and let’s face it, there aren’t
many kids that enjoy holding still. :) 
My favorite sessions are the ones that I get to chase
little ones around a park and capture them in their
natural elements…laughing, playing and being
Check out this darling family…
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Friday, June 4, 2010

Pink Daffodil Photography – Sweet Summer Giveaway!! {CONTEST CLOSED}

Have you been waiting for a giveaway?  Wait no longer!!
Pink Daffodil Photography is teaming up with the fabulous
creative blog:

 Less Cake More Frosting

Less Cake{More Frosting}

and doing a fabulous giveaway! 

Head over to

Less Cake More Frosting

to see details and ENTER to WIN!!

And while your there, you MUST check out the amazing crafty,
creative, organizational talents of the fabulous Ellie G!
You will be blown away and INSTANTLY hooked on reading
Less Cake More Frosting.

I can’t wait to see who wins!!

***BONUS*** Are you one of those people, like me, who never
seems to win ANYTHING? 
Don’t worry…  I haven’t forgotten about you. 
By mentioning Less Cake More Frosting, you get 10% off any
regularly priced session or package if booked before
June 15, 2010!! 
AND…YES!  There’s MORE! 
The first 2 sessions booked will receive
a FREE 8x10 print from their session! 
Book now by emailing

I can’t wait to hear from you!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Utah Portrait Photographer – Annie – The sweetest 1 year old ever!

Meet Annie.  Isn’t she sweet? 

This little cutie smiled from ear to ear for a solid 20 minutes or more! 

I’ve never seen such a happy, sweet 1 year old before!

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And of course Annie is outfitted in the darling accessories provided

by Mack Savvy.  Head over and check out all the cute stuff!