
Behind the name: Pink Daffodil Photography

It all started back in 2002, when at the age of 26, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I remember feeling so overwhelmed with fear, sorrow, and sadness, being faced with my own mortality.

I decided to fight cancer with everything that modern medicine had to offer.  That meant surgery, chemotherapy and radiation.  I would do anything it took to see my little kids grow.

Chemo was horrible.  I felt painful, achy, flu-like symptoms for 6 months and lost all my hair. With a lot of prayers and patience, I made it through treatments.


One of the biggest lessons I learned during my cancer journey, was that life is short.  We never know when our last day will be; we need to live life to it’s fullest.  Document  life as it happens.  And one of the best ways to remember life is through pictures.

In the winter of 2008, I decided to start my own photography business.  I knew I wanted to capture life’s most precious moments for others and help them have memories and keepsakes of their lives.


But what would I name my business?

A great friend reminded me that my cancer journey has shaped so much of my life and helped me realize it would be important to include my experience somehow in my new business. 

PINK is the color for breast cancer
and DAFFODIL is the cancer flower.

So then it began… Pink Daffodil Photography.

If you feel like today isn’t the day for pictures because you’re overweight, not looking your best, bald, or just don’t have time; I’m speaking from personal experience…

Make Time!

Make NO Excuses!

Get your pictures taken TODAY!

I’m truly grateful to have so many amazing clients who have supported me since the beginning.  And I feel so blessed to continue to have new clients I can serve.

Thank you all!


If you know a young woman battling breast cancer, who could benefit from a support group, refer them to Young Survivor Sisters . Another survivor and I formed the group to provide support to young woman battling breast cancer.  And if you’d like to help another survivor help other cancer patients, please visit HappyChemo .