
Monday, July 19, 2010

Utah Family Portrait Photographer –A very special family

As a photographer, I have the wonderful opportunity of meeting many new people and families on a regular basis.  I always enjoy the time I get to spend with people during a photo session, getting to know them and having fun. 

Recently I met a family that touched my heart to it’s very core.  They inspired me to be a better wife, a better mother; and really cherish the blessings that our present in our lives.

Meet the Reeves family.


The Reeves were blessed with 3 handsome boys and one darling little girl.  Their little girl, Saydria, was born with a problem with her lungs.  Doctors explained that her lungs will never fully develop and she may not live very long.


The Reeves’ family knew they would not have much time with their sweet little princess.  So having family portraits was extremely important.  I felt humbled and honored that they would allow me to capture their beautiful family.


Not knowing how much time they would have left with their little sister, I fought back tears as I watched Saydria’s brothers cradle and love their little princess…


The gospel knowledge that families are forever, keeps the Reeves family smiling and happy.

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This morning I awoke to a sad email.  Receiving the news that at only 6 months old, sweet Saydria passed away peacefully last night during her sleep.  A precious daughter, filled with smiles and personality, would now return to live with her Heavenly Father.

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Sometimes it’s the smallest things that have the biggest effect on our souls.  More than ever these words are ringing true…

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Words will never express my gratitude to the Reeves family for teaching me so much about love, life and what really matters.  What they gave me will far exceed anything I could do for them.  Thank you.

Dear sweet Saydria, may your spirit and message of love live on forever. 

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  1. Oh that made me CRY! So Sad! MY thoughts and prayers go out to that Beautiful family.

    Great Job on Capturing their Beautiful Family Erin

  2. Erin,
    What a beautiful child they made together. How many of us can say we felt love and kindness every day of our lives. She just glows. I'm sure these photos will be cherished.


  3. That was SO touching. What a sweet baby and family ! ! ! And BEAUTIFUL pictures and memories for the family. Good Job ! ! !

  4. Totally crying... what a sweet photo shoot. And what a beautiful little girl. You did a great job (like always). I love looking at your pictures.

  5. thank you for the wonderful job that you did with the photos. the reeves are my family and i know that it meant a lot to them to have such beautiful photos of their precious daughter.

  6. My cousin recommended this blog and she was totally right keep up the fantastic work!

    Family Portraits
