
Friday, February 17, 2012

To Every Wedding There is a Season


Now that Spring is approaching, and all things will soon be in bloom… it’s the perfect time to ask: What’s the best season to get married in?


The Spring bride has her choice in flowers, her surroundings are green and fresh.

In her white gown, she embodies everything that is fresh and new.

The Spring bride is full of energy and vitality.


The Summer bride has an outdoor venue and plenty of photo opportunities in perfect weather.

She looks as radiant as the sunshine and as cool as the shade.

The Summer bride is ready for the adventure and the fun of marriage.


The Autumn bride is surrounded by color and cool breezes.

Like the changing of the leaves, she is ready for the change of married life.

The Autumn bride is thoughtful, elegant, and classic.


The Winter bride has the benefits of magic, sparkle, and light.

The Winter scene is the perfect backdrop to the beauty of a blushing bride in her gown of white.

The Winter bride is as enchanting as a secret,  alluring as the falling snow, and as warm as the glow of firelight.

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